Billy Baeder’s late father purchased a 1933 $10 silver certificate for about the price of a compact car when Baeder was still a teenager. As he grew up, Baeder became a collector himself — and today he owns the most valuable piece of currency printed since 1929.
Back in the middle of the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt was worried that the economic unrest could create a run on gold. So he recalled all gold coins, gold bullion and gold certificates. His actions quietly put the United States on the silver standard, a move that was signed into law in May of 1933 with the Agricultural Adjustment Act. At that point, a series of 1933 $10 silver certificates was printed.
Baeder’s $10 bill is one of these silver certificates released by the United States Treasury. The value of the bill arises from its serial number: A00000001A, making it the first bill off the printer during the run. Matthew Quinn, assistant director of currency for auction house Stack’s Bowers, says the bill “would easily be worth about $500,000 and up.”
However, Baeder says that he’s not interested in selling, because of the bill’s sentimental value as a memento of his father who introduced him to the world of currency and coin collecting.
Think you might have a valuable coin or piece of currency? Interested in finding out more about starting or developing your collection? Come talk with the expert numismatists at Liberty Coin & Currency.
Liberty Coin & Currency specializes in gold buying and dealing in rare coins. We are a family-owned business that was first established over 16 years ago and is now located in Vancouver and Portland. We also buy gold, silver, diamonds, currency and jewelry. Visit us first for a free evaluation.