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If you’ve considered selling your gold, silver, coins, jewelry or watches, come to Liberty Coin & Currency first for a free, no-obligation evaluation of your valuables. We’ll inspect, weigh and test each item in order to determine its individual value. Once you understand the true worth of your valuables, you’ll feel confident when comparing other offers.
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We update our pricing on precious metals several times every day to ensure that you receive the most accurate price possible. We’re happy to evaluate jewelry in any condition, including gold, silver and platinum. Whether you have an antique silver tea set, a broken gold bracelet, a platinum ring or even dental gold, bring it to Liberty Coin & Currency and find out what it’s really worth..
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We understand that many items such as jewelry, coins, heirlooms and antiques may have significant sentimental value. At Liberty Coin & Currency, we will treat you with respect and provide you with honest and accurate information regarding the current material value of your items. Our goal is to help you make an informed, no-pressure decision as you consider whether to sell your valuables.
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Providing Honest Evaluations For Over 17 Years

  • Three Locations to Serve You
  • Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
  • American Numismatic Association
  • Numismatic Guaranty Corporation

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Check out our blog for the latest updates on coins, currency, bullion and gold trends.

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