The Coinage Authority Act of 1792 detailed a ten dollar gold piece known as the Eagle. The U.S. Mint struck the first Eagle in 1795 with the rare Capped Bust To Right, Small Eagle reverse. In 1797, the Heraldic Eagle reverse design replaced the Small Eagle. This design lasted until 1804. At that point, the Eagle disappeared for more than three decades, not reemerging again until 1838 with a Liberty Head design. In this version, the Liberty Head came without a motto. It was also the first time the denomination “Ten D” appeared on the reverse design. In 1866, the mint added “IN GOD WE TRUST” above the eagle on the Liberty Head. This motto lasted until 1907, when the Indian Head design was first issued. The motto reappeared on the reverse in 1908. This version continued to appear through 1933.